Free Postponement Card Download

Free Postponement Card Download

When we were getting married, our venue was in the news every other week in the months leading up to the wedding with the possibility of being shut down. (For taxes or something, not like bad food or structural problems haha) It was super stressful but in the back of my mind I knew if it was cancelled we’d just have it somewhere else, last minute, I guess?

This is not that. But with that, and with working with couples every day for 9 years - I understand the stress when something completely out of your control throws a grenade into plans you’ve been making for years.

So, with everything that’s going on, if you DO decide to postpone or change your wedding plans - we made this free printable that you can download and type in your own information. Then email it to your guests or print yourself and send to Kinkos (but maybe have them ship them to you because social distancing). Just sign up for our newsletter , and you’ll be automatically emailed how to download. Our hearts are with everyone getting married in these strange times.

We have a place for couples to add their website for guests to re-RSVP, which seems to be the best option for folks who have already sent out their invitations.

Our hearts are with everyone getting married in these strange times. Hang in there and we will all get through this, one kindness around a time!!


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